Terms and conditions

Inbound Vietnam International Travel Company Limited, website https://inboundvietnam.com/, was established under the business license with Business Code 0108967667, issued by the Department of Planning and Investment of Hanoi City on October 31, 2019 (hereinafter referred to as “Inbound Vietnam”)
The customer must ensure that after confirming the service booking, the customer has accepted the service conditions, payment terms, and payment amount for the service he or she has ordered. These terms and conditions apply to all transaction activities between you and Inbound Vietnam International Travel Co., Ltd. through the operating booth on the website https://inboundvietnam.com/. You agree to be bound by these Terms, which are drafted in accordance with the applicable laws of Vietnam and are free from any requirements.

I. Refund and cancellation policy:
1. In case the Customer unilaterally cancels the trip, Inbound Vietnam must pay the costs that Inbound Vietnam has prepared for the Customer's trip, these costs are compiled by Inbound Vietnam from the cancellation regulations. Fines issued by a third party, depending on the time of cancellation, the fines are applied as follows:
a. 30% of total contract value: If cancellation is reported within 30 days from departure date.
b. 50% of total contract value: If canceled within 15 days from departure date.
c. 70% of total contract value: If canceled within 07 days from departure date.
d. 100% of total contract value: If canceled within 48 hours before departure time.
2. In case the customer places an urgent booking close to the departure date, the cancellation conditions will be established as soon as the customer confirms Inbound Vietnam's service.
3. Airline tickets are issued immediately after you pay and confirm the accuracy of your full name, date of birth, etc. For any changes in date and time or ticket cancellation, please bear the costs according to the airline's regulations.
4. Refund fees when canceling a tour will be returned 1 month after the date of registration or tour cancellation.

II. Case of force majeure:
If the tour program is canceled or changed by either party due to a force majeure reason (fire, weather, accident, natural disaster, war, delay and cancellation of public transport vehicles). plus...), then both parties will not bear any obligation to compensate for losses that have occurred and will not bear any legal responsibility. However, each party is responsible for trying its best to help the injured party to minimize losses caused by force majeure.

III. Obligations of the seller:
1. Provide complete and accurate information to traders and organizations providing e-commerce trading floor services when registering to use the service:
- Name and head office address of the trader, organization or name and permanent residence address of the individual.
- Number, date of issue and place of issuance of the business registration certificate of the trader, or number, date of issue and unit of issue of the establishment decision of the organization, or personal tax code of the individual. Phone number or another online contact method.
2. Provide complete information about goods and services when selling goods or providing services on online promotion websites:
- Information about goods and services
- Information about prices
- Information about general trading conditions
- Information about shipping and delivery
- Information about payment methods
3. Ensure the accuracy and truthfulness of information about goods and services provided on the website.
4. Implement legal regulations on online electronic promotion websites.
5. Provide information about your business situation when requested by a competent state agency to serve e-commerce statistical activities.
6. Comply with the provisions of law on payment, advertising, promotion, protection of intellectual property rights, protection of consumer rights and other relevant provisions of law when selling goods or services. Providing services on online promotional websites.
7. Fulfill all tax obligations according to the provisions of law.

IV. Customer responsibilities:
1. Pay in full and on time.
2. Do not change the name or number after signing the travel registration contract. If you change, you will have to pay the amount Inbound Vietnam paid for the previous service booking corresponding to the reduced number of guests reported.
3. Agree to combine the travel trip with other Inbound Vietnam customers according to the date predetermined by Inbound Vietnam.
4. Encourage customers to reward tour guides and drivers when satisfied. For foreign travel programs, you are responsible for agreeing and paying tips (TIP money) to the tour guide and driver after the end of the trip. Inbound Vietnam is not involved and is not responsible for these agreements.
5. Follow the program and tour guide throughout the trip
6. Provide complete identification documents, passports, photos and documents related to immigration procedures, in the correct class according to regulations and when requested.
7. Fulfill all tax obligations according to the provisions of law.

IV. Customer responsibilities:
1. Pay in full and on time.
2. Do not change the name or number after signing the travel registration contract. If you change, you will have to pay the amount Inbound Vietnam paid for the previous service booking corresponding to the reduced number of guests reported.
3. Agree to combine the travel trip with other Inbound Vietnam customers according to the date predetermined by Inbound Vietnam.
4. Encourage customers to reward tour guides and drivers when satisfied. For foreign travel programs, you are responsible for agreeing and paying tips (TIP money) to the tour guide and driver after the end of the trip. Inbound Vietnam is not involved and is not responsible for these agreements.
5. Follow the program and tour guide throughout the trip
6. Provide complete identification documents, passports, photos and documents related to immigration procedures, in the correct class according to regulations and when requested.
7. Do not separate from the group for personal reasons. If there is a need to separate from the group, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the Inbound Vietnam Delegation Leader (Guide) and must pay personal expenses incurred.
8. Comply with regulations and laws of the local/host country when visiting.
9. Make sure to go and return on the date stated in the contract. In case a tourist traveling abroad does not return to Vietnam on schedule (or escapes and stays abroad illegally), you will have to bear full legal responsibility with the authorities of the two countries. Country, and must also be subject to fines imposed on you by the Authorities in charge of Tourism, Immigration, etc. of the Host Country, as well as subject to fines imposed by Inbound Vietnam. that you cause damages Inbound Vietnam's brand. This amount will be based on actual arising.
8. You have the right to evaluate, comment, give feedback, and complain if the service does not meet standards during contract implementation. The complaint instruction process is posted on Inbound Vietnam's website at https: //inboundvietnam.com/
9. The customer agrees to allow Inbound Vietnam to store images and clips during the implementation of the tour program, the images are agreed to be used by both parties to serve tourism promotion without any complaints. .
10. Depending on the actual situation, Inbound Vietnam reserves the right to change the itinerary, rearrange the order of attractions or cancel the tour at any time that Inbound Vietnam finds necessary for convenience or safety. your entire responsibility and will notify you.
11. During the implementation process, if a dispute occurs, the matter will be resolved on the basis of discussion and negotiation. If no result is achieved, the case will be referred to arbitration at the Court, or the Vietnam International Arbitration Center (VIAC) according to the Center's Rules of Arbitration.