Nui Coc Lake

Nui Coc Lake, located in Dai Tu district, Thai Nguyen province, is an appealing destination known for its beautiful landscapes that attract many tourists. Situated approximately 15km southwest of Thai Nguyen city in Phuc Triu commune, Dai Tu district, Thai Nguyen province, Nui Coc Lake is an artificial lake constructed in 1993 and substantially completed by 1994.

The lake comprises a main dam approximately 480m long and 6 auxiliary dams, covering an area of about 25km2. Across the vast lake, there are a total of 89 islands, each with its own unique and picturesque features, ranging from lush green forests to islands housing mythological statues such as the Fairy Goddess Thuong Ngan, creating a distinctive and particularly attractive characteristic for Nui Coc Lake.

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